So my mom bought me Christmas cookie cutters to use, and I figured since I promised my brother-in-law that I would make him cookies (in exchange for the lasagna the family made last weekend) that I would try out the cookie cutters. There's a snowman, a gingerbread lady, gingerbread man, a candy cane, a stocking, and a Christmas tree. I guess they were meant for sugar cookies... and I made chocolate/butterscotch chip cookies. I would fill in the cookie cutters with the dough and lift them up to leave the print of the cutter. It looked all pretty, so I figured when it cooked it would look great.

... definately did not look so pretty coming out of the oven. The left is the snowman, next is the gingerbread lady upside down, then the candy cane, then the stocking upside down, then the christmas tree... and i gave up and made regular circle cookies after that. Much faster to make.
So I was disappointed. I wanted cute cookies. Instead I got weird shaped blobs that have chocolate and butterscotch chips in them. Ah well. Good thing my brother-in-law likes my cookies anyway.
So, they may look a! :) I'll bet they taste pretty good! That takes some patience to stuff a cookie cutter with dough!